International Education Skype Project
In addition to school supplies, we also help to teach the children about environmental issues and how to utilize all sources of food products. Our Agriculture Development area aids in maintaining a sustainable garden that the children are involved in, the food items harvested are then incorporated into the hot lunches that are provided daily to each child.
About- Alabaster Gate Children's Charity
Heroes See The Future And Reach Out To Help A Child Get There
Franklin Town Primary Hill and Gully
Skype Meets Social Studies: International Education
Immaculate Heart of Mary students were one of two groups to participate on February 11th. Their partner in Jamaica was Franklin School. St. Dominic Savio "skyped" with Whitfield School and, ... Read more
All Saints Catholic High, Canada's, Whitby, liaison with Jamaica, Spanish Town, Eltham High School on the social studies topic: How do you choose your world's leader. - Nov. 29 2018

Eltham High School, receiving their barrel

Staff and students at Eltham High School, Spanish Town Jamaica

Presentation of barrel with academic, agricultural seeds ,and food supplies to Spanish Town High School